
Thanks for your interest in becoming a part of our growing network of hyper local magazines. Your business connections, networking savvy, and community support, together with our proven business processes will give you a great platform to build upon.

We started at Geist Reservoir near Indianapolis, Indiana back in 2003. Back then, the idea of hyper local was new and limited to zip codes or major demographic marketing areas (DMAs). Our concept at its inception was to provide a high-quality monthly print magazine that embraced Internet marketing (this was pre-social media). As time progressed, so did our business model as we found new and effective ways to communicate all month long via our website and social media channels. Today we leverage the latest in cloud-based print production, negotiated bulk print pricing, social and web management tools, SEO and PPC digital marketing services, and other systems to insure the most efficient and cost effective local marketing platform anywhere.

Services We Provide

You will work with our experienced support team every day via our cloud-based platform, phone, franchisee mobile app, and email. In the beginning, we work with you to create the best opportunity for your success.

Start-Up Services Include:

  • Territory selection + analytics
  • Establish social media presence
  • Create geo-targeted website presence
  • Proforma spreadsheets
  • Vendor negotiations
  • Six days of onsite and classroom training
  • Franchise operations manual

Once your magazine is launched, the ongoing support we provide really allows you to focus on growing and selling your business. Our back-office support is transparent, cloud-based, and real-time.

On-Going Services Include:

  • Invoicing of all your receivables
  • Editorial management of all your content
  • Monthly financial reporting
  • Ongoing training and franchisee support via our TownePost University mobile app
  • Maintain your website presence
  • Keep your social media channels active and responsive
  • New product development

Convert Your Magazine to a Towne Post Franchise

Converting your magazine to a Towne Post Network franchise affords you the back office that we provide to all of our publishers without giving up ownership of your business. Whether you are looking for an exit strategy, wanting to grow without taking on more overhead costs, or you like the idea of our cloud-based platform managing your operations, a franchise conversion might be the answer!

Why a Franchise Conversion?

  1. No cost to you to convert
  2. Lower overhead costs
  3. Ongoing training for you and future staff
  4. We help you sell when you are ready to move on